Talk to your students
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Talking to your students regularly is a great way to stay on top of bullying situations in your school. If you build strong, open relationships, they will feel more comfortable coming to you for help.
crowdsourced tips
Bystander Revolution has created multimedia lessons on different bullying topics that you can use in your classroom to lead an enlightening discussion about bullying. You can find them at
Don’t let cyberbullying go unchecked among your students. Set up a discussion in your classroom where students can talk about their experiences with cyberbullying. Stress that when they post online, someone with real feelings is always at the receiving end.
Remind your students that even when they think they are posting anonymously, their posts can often be traced to them. It will help them to think before they post negative things that they wouldn’t want others (parents, siblings, potential employers, etc.) to see.
Many students will feel embarrassed or afraid to bring up physical bullying with you, so it’s important to pay close attention to any changes in behavior that might indicate they are being bullied. Ask what’s going on instead of waiting for them to tell you.
If your student has been bullied, they may blame themselves for what happened. It’s important that you emphasize that it is not their fault that they are being bullied.
If your student is being bullied, avoid telling them that they’re being too sensitive. Instead, listen to them with a kind ear, and help validate their emotions.
Consider phrases like, “I understand how you feel. How can I help?” or “It’s not okay for you to be treated like that, let’s find a way to address the situation.”