DAY 23 OF 31
Moby’s Challenge: Send A Track
Everyone has that one song that instantly puts them in a better mood. What’s yours? Share it with a friend who you think could use a tune-up and tag it with #MonthOfAction.
Finding the right words to help a friend in need isn’t always easy. Thankfully, music can often communicate emotionally in ways that words can’t. With over 30 years of experience producing and performing music, Moby understands it's ability to impact people as well as anyone. Take Moby’s challenge and harness the power of music to comfort or encourage a friend. Try to think of a song that’s helped you through a tough time. If it had a meaningful effect on you, there’s a good chance it could do the same for someone else. Can’t think of a song? Maybe Moby’s poignant classic, Almost Home, can do the trick :)